The Inner Wheel Club of Bourne is a charitable organisation that is continually seeking for new ways to support the local community either actively or financially.
The Inner Wheel Club had raised £250 and were looking for charities to donate to when they came across an article in the Bourne Local about Karl Hick of Larkfleet Group climbing to Mount Everest Base Camp with four other people, including his son Charlie and three Allison Homes colleagues, one of whom was his son Alfie. The team trekked up Mount Everest to raise money for The Helen Hick Stroke Foundation, which was established after Karl's wife, Helen Hick, suffered two strokes in 2019.
Helen Hick, who received the cheque, expressed her gratitude by saying, ‘I'm particularly appreciative of the Inner Wheel of Bourne looking for local charities to help. The funds will be used to establish stroke support groups and to raise knowledge about how strokes occur and how to prevent them. As a new charity, I’m touched and grateful for the donation.’
The five-person team has returned from Nepal, but donations can still be made to the Just Giving page.

Picture shows from left to right: Mark Calo (Allison Homes), Sheila Halliday-Pegg (Inner Wheel, Club correspondent), Alfie Hick (Allison Homes), Angela Stroud (Inner Wheel, President), Helen Hick, Ranna Patel (Inner Wheel, Treasurer), Karl Hick (Larkfleet Group, Chairman) and Kate Swain (Inner Wheel, Secretary).